Bishop Kavanaugh 1.JPGThe open book atop this monument caught my eye, while I was at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky.
Bishop Kavanaugh 2.JPG

So who was Hubbard Hinde Kavanaugh?   He was born on January 14, 1802 in Clark County, Kentucky, and died on March 19, 1884 in Lowndes County, Mississippi.    There’s a whole book about him, called The Life and Times of H.H. Kavanaugh, one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South by Albert Henry Redford.   He was the son of Reverend Williams Kavanaugh and Hannah Hubbard Hinde, and was named for his great-grandfather Hubbard and for his grandfather Hinde.

During his life, he was bishop of the Methodist Church South and was one of the most influential bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church.   He was part of a league of Protestant ministers who came together to oppose the Catholic Church.

This is what is inside the book on top of his memorial: Bishop Kavanaugh book.JPG

I found the book about him available on Google Books, and plan to give it a peruse in the future, because it sounds like Bishop Kavanaugh was a pretty interesting person.   I did find his obituary — Bishop Kavanaugh obit from March 20, 1884 (click and open in a new tab to read the PDF of it)